Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Music Unit Comment(assignment)

We have finished presentations which i thougt they are interesting.
i have ever do such kind of speach before so may be it is difficult for me in the oral part.
The easiest part is the eye contact,jajajaja because my eyes can move fast.
I think other people's presentations are much better than ours since they did more fluently.
Next time may be i will try to get the computer work right and speak more fluently.

I think it is great to know all these stuff about the music and share information with my classmates.
it is cool to have a chance to ask bob about what's his view of madanna's "problems".


  1. Hi James
    I´m agree with you about the interesting presentations that we did. For me the most difficult part is the eye contact, and for you is the easiest... you have to tell me how I can improve that.. jajaja

  2. Hi James,

    Thanks for your honest post about the difficulties of the presentation. I think you are being too hard on your group! It was a very moving presentation. I would suggest that you practice as much as you can so that you feel more comfortable and confident in front of the class. Anyway, the first one was very nice, and I expect the second to be even better:).


  3. Hello James,
    You were great in the presentation. I am sure you will be better next time. It has been a pleasure working with you brother!!!
