Monday, March 30, 2009

Mann and censorship

Firstly, i totally against that artists should be censored. It should be respected for not the content,but the right of freedom of press. So whaterever artists make in legal way it must not be censored by government.

I like Mann's photography of her children.May be sombody could say she has have her children,but the factor is that her photos surely have a sense of beauty. Including the naked children,however,in my view it is ok because the sextrual seemed the not so strong to normal person. I mean as a adult it can be ill to think that naked children are attractive. Combining the ligt and shadows,Mann obviously want create the photos of her children like "fairy or angels" in the "utopia".

I think art is the thing that we will find the aesthetic feeling in it. It is pretty cool pick up the stuff anything for fun and she has a gift in this way of creation.

However, they are beautiful photos i think.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Music Unit Comment(assignment)

We have finished presentations which i thougt they are interesting.
i have ever do such kind of speach before so may be it is difficult for me in the oral part.
The easiest part is the eye contact,jajajaja because my eyes can move fast.
I think other people's presentations are much better than ours since they did more fluently.
Next time may be i will try to get the computer work right and speak more fluently.

I think it is great to know all these stuff about the music and share information with my classmates.
it is cool to have a chance to ask bob about what's his view of madanna's "problems".